Strategic Early Warning Monitor.

A Real Life Example of How Anlytic’s Data Analysis and Reporting Tool Works.

The Netherlands Police

The Background:

The Netherlands Police has an ongoing need for advanced data analysis and reporting capabilities for strategic policy development. They want to analyse the broad range of social and societal developments; especially safety and crime developments, which influence the volume and the type of work the police need to carry out and respond to.

The Challenge:

For the strategic early warning function, the Dutch police want to be able to parallel disparate sets of data to compare developments and trends in society with developments and trends within its own organisation. Most of the data used is public and aggregated. But comparison is not easy when the different data is not linked or linkable to one another.

Also within the police organisation itself, they have a lot of data at their disposal, originating from lots of different systems. This data is primarily used for operational purposes. For strategic purposes the data can’t be linked, mainly due to privacy regulations, resulting in a fair amount of police data sets that are not comparable to each other.

By recording the aggregated data sets in the strategic early warning monitor in a fixed structure they then do become comparable. Data from the same geographical dimension for example can be analysed.

The Objectives:

The objective in using Anlytic was for the Dutch police to embed data driven strategic early warning into their policy development.

The Benefits:

By using Anlytic the nature and extent of societal developments are more easily quantifiable and can be visualized more objectively.

The Future:

“All contact with Anlytic is pleasant and responsive. They understand our needs for the tool and they have the necessary development expertise to convert those needs into working features in our strategic early warning monitor. Our contact person explains in a clear way what the consequences of the different options are so we can make informed decisions. All-in all a successful co-operation that has lead to great results!”

Deputy Director Strategy and Innovation, Dutch police.

The Results:

“The strategic early warning monitor using Anlytic will help us to be more prepared for developments in society in general, and developments in security and criminality in particular. The more we keep improving the monitor, the more the insights it generates will improve. Firstly we plan to expand the amount of users. We will use their feedback on both the technical and functional use of the monitor to improve how we use the system and the data to inform our strategic policy development.”.